Real World Training

At 1 time or another been a part of a team producing content for nearly every media market you can think of. I have quite a bit of real world experience, whether it be commercials, film, episodic tv, AR/VR or print. Over the years I have also shared some of what I have learned during my career through instructional videos for the likes of Autodesk, PluralSight/DigitalTutors, brief written tutorials, and published books(links below). What I am doing now, is bringing you some new content – lessons and tips based on what you as an artist will encounter when you start working on films, episodic tv and commercials. There are plenty of people out there teaching modeling, texturing, and sculpting. I can not emphasize enough that even people new to CG can make impressive images — BUT and this is a big BUT, not all of them know what it takes to make something that not only looks good, but will function in a production pipeline. I am here to help, through my youtube channel and Gumroad page I am going to share some real world info, I am going to give you a peek into how I work on shows for big names like Marvel, Amazon Prime, and Netflix. As my audience grows I will jump into more production and pipeline based content. Please follow me I am sure you will learn from what I share. If you find anything I post helpful show your support by telling your friends and colleagues by sharing info about my channel through your social media.

I am also available for 1 on 1 training for people looking to learn about modeling, UV’ing, texturing lighting and rendering. If you would like to inquire about training, please go to the bottom of this page to the contact window and send a brief but descriptive message.


Gumroad-Free CG primer

My 3ds Max book:

Don’t own a copy??!? Get it here
